October 27, 2009


I have a dilemma. I really think it would be amazingly fun to own/operate a quilt store, but I am not completely sure if I should go forward with all guns blazing to actually make this happen! I know I am letting fear of the unknown get the best of me, but this is my financial future as well. Any suggestions anyone??? I am very afraid I don't know enough about quilting or business management to actually do this. Number 2, I like my job at the bank and hate to think I'd give that up sometime if my business goes well. Number 3, the security of a paycheck is really nice! Number 4, where do my girls go while I am supposed to be running a store? My list can go on and on, but in the end I still come back to...but should I try???? : )

HELP!!! (Especially financially if you can. : ))

I have taken a first step in moving toward this goal, by the way. Larry and I went to look at a building for sale on Harvey's main street. The building would be really quite cute if painted, etc. The overhead costs seems quite reasonable for the property, and I have talked to a loan officer/friend at the bank for advice. I even made a phone call today to a lady in another town (I don't know her at all...just a random call.) to ask questions about starting a business. SEE! I am quite serious but not sure enough of myself serious!!! Ugh!!!

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