October 29, 2009

October 27, 2009


I have a dilemma. I really think it would be amazingly fun to own/operate a quilt store, but I am not completely sure if I should go forward with all guns blazing to actually make this happen! I know I am letting fear of the unknown get the best of me, but this is my financial future as well. Any suggestions anyone??? I am very afraid I don't know enough about quilting or business management to actually do this. Number 2, I like my job at the bank and hate to think I'd give that up sometime if my business goes well. Number 3, the security of a paycheck is really nice! Number 4, where do my girls go while I am supposed to be running a store? My list can go on and on, but in the end I still come back to...but should I try???? : )

HELP!!! (Especially financially if you can. : ))

I have taken a first step in moving toward this goal, by the way. Larry and I went to look at a building for sale on Harvey's main street. The building would be really quite cute if painted, etc. The overhead costs seems quite reasonable for the property, and I have talked to a loan officer/friend at the bank for advice. I even made a phone call today to a lady in another town (I don't know her at all...just a random call.) to ask questions about starting a business. SEE! I am quite serious but not sure enough of myself serious!!! Ugh!!!

October 15, 2009


I just loved this picture of the girls playing a game with cousin Amy. The laughing girl, Sierra, is now 3! I'll have to get my pictures of her party on here too if I get time later.
I am freshly returned from my trip to Wichita to visit college friends. We had a great time wandering Hillsboro checking out the new things at the school. They've added some new buildings that are incredibly nice. Way better than when we were there! It'd be fun to be in college again and living in the nice girls' dorm they've put up, a very nice condo style building.
Jenni and I also visited Yoder, KS to take in the shops they have there. Yoder is a very small Amish community, but it has tremendous businesses! I'd recommend a visit to this town to anyone who likes the simple pleasures of life. There is a quilt shop (what more could you want to see?), a couple of gift shops and variety stores, a photographer's gallery, a bakery, a meat shop, a bulk food store, a furniture store, and others! You can top off your visit by eating at Carriage Crossing Restaurant. They serve food up family style if you wish. The whole community is just really neat to see. It completely amazes me that a town with probably fewer than 100 people (if that...it's not even listed on the map!) can have this great a business community. They are really making the most of the heritage and history in their people and land. So cool! They do have a website I guess. It's yoderkansas.com. Check them out!
The highlight of my weekend was, of course, the gathering of the girls (and some guys too) for a night of conversation and reminiscing. I so miss my friends! I sure wish I lived closer and could hang out with them more often. We all have scattered somewhat, but most of the girls live in the Kansas/Oklahoma area. Too bad I can't convince Larry to move to Kansas. : ( But...we did have a super time, and I have been so blessed to have wonderful friends that share the same faith and heritage with me. Even though we lead different lives now, some things are so much the same for us. We all struggle with similar issues, and it is a huge comfort to be able to talk and laugh about all those things collectively. Thank you, God, for my Tabor friends!