September 10, 2012



     I know it's so cliche to say it, but where in the heck did summer go????? I had such good intentions of posting more often (as if anyone is reading???), but those intentions did not pan out so well.
    My major decision at the end of summer was to resign from teaching at Goodrich. I did feel somewhat guilty since I do love the staff and kids there, but I think I was feeling far more stress than I realized. My home projects just do not get finished the way it is, the kids keep growing, activities keep taking place, and I just needed a wee bit of a break from an everyday job. I will keep working at the bank, and I do really like that, but at least it's not 5 days a week for now.

      I can hear all the questions about what happened to the chickens, right?!? They're still growing and even changing. We've now got FIVE, yes 5, roosters! We started out thinking there were none, but some pubertal changes have hit, and it seems like 5 roosters it will be. They sure do love to hear themselves squawk! It's been such a great project, however. The girls have absolutely loved hanging out with the chickens. I fear that we will certainly not be able to eat our feathered friends. We have grown quite attached. Sigh.... : )

Have a super day everyone!