April 24, 2012

Ready or not....!

I've always had a hankering for adventure, even if it seems to be more in my mind than what actually happens with my body. However, I once upon a time told myself that I must try something new every year (until I die, of course) in order to keep my adventures moving.

Well...cymbal roll...this year's "new" thing is:

I am ordering chickens. Chickens! This may seem like to no big deal to some and completely crazy and stupid to others (my husband being on that latter list). I have to give my man credit. Even though he thinks I'm nuts in so many regards, especially where my love of animals is concerned, he really comes along for the ride many times. I guess he knows that I'm just independent enough that even if he doesn't give a complete thumbs up to my ideas, I'll do them anyway. So...he might as well help me out so the whole thing can be handled "right".

The thing is, I've had ducks. They're really cute and sort of neat to have around the yard, but my dogs always wanted to eat them. They couldn't just roam free like I had envisioned in my Narnia world. I know, my dogs will still want to eat chickens; however, I also want to eat chickens (I did not eat the ducks -- they flew away to a paradise somewhere else.). I also want to eat their eggs and enjoy the wholesomeness and healthiness of farm fresh eggs. Note, I will NOT be the one to butcher the chickens which are to come. My heart is too weak for that sort of activity, but I am sure a neighbor around here somewhere will be willing to help out. I am sort of counting on that. Otherwise, we may just have egg laying chickens forever. : ) So, the plan is to put up a small coop area with a nesting box for just a couple of the girls. Then, toward the end of summer, a group of about 10 to 15 will be freezer bound and just a couple will be our named girls to keep for eggs.

MY girls have already expressed the names they'll give to our new babies once they come. They have been warned not to name any that may meet an end in our freezer. You cannot eat what you have named as the saying goes. If there isn't a saying like that, there should be!

So...I am now logging off of this site to get my very first chicken order placed. Wish me luck! I'll post pictures of my adventure for this year. Cluck, cluck!

One of the types of girls I hope to have wandering my coop soon.

Type #2 of planned chickens. I really am getting excited for this!!!!

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