June 21, 2009

I wait too long!!!!

Oh goodness!!! I just simply wait too long to sit down and write! I don't know why I can't simply make it a matter of spending 10 minutes a week and then this would be updated and current....oh well.

Goodness sakes, what has taken place in the last four weeks? Well, of course, more than I'll put in just tonight! I am back at work online after a blissful week off! I really did not miss sitting still for four hours a day, even though the learning that takes place on the job really is fun. I am putting in more hours at work at the bank too since we have some people taking days off for holidays, vacations, business trips, and maternity leave. The extra money will sure be nice, but with the time on the computer at night, I'm anticipating a bit more STRESS!!!! : )

One exciting thing we just got is a BRAND NEW CAR! My dad bought Larry and I a new 2009 Chevy Aveo. He just wanted to something nice for us, feeling a bit sorry for us, albeit. We really do appreciate the car. It will be much too small for the whole family to travel in together, but I am using it now to go back and forth to work in order to use less gas and save some money. It has its downfalls we are finding out--there is no air conditioning being the biggest thing. It is extremely hot inside on these warm summer days. Since we live on gravel, we can't really keep the windows open for the whole trip home either since the dust just blows in and makes a big mess, not to mention crappy breathing. But...we'll survive. After all, we only have about 60 warm days a year in ND anyway. (OK, I'm being sarcastic.) We don't have a CD/tape player or cruise control in the car either, but unless we go very long distances that will be fine too. THANK YOU DAD!!!!

All of the girls are now home again as of tonight. Hannah and Sierra were in Fargo with Lisa, Amy, and Destiny and Jae had been at camp. Our house was very quiet with just Maci running around. The minute the two little girls got back, our world got much noisier! Larry was commenting though last night that while we wish for a break from the girls/noise, when they were gone...we missed them! It is really nice to hear the giggles, squeals, and even screams outside this door right now. There is just a peacefulness about it, like all is well with the world right now. My girls are a true blessing even when I don't feel like they are somedays. Shame on me!

Well, off to finish my last hour of work. Busy week starts right now!

Wells County Fair -- Fessenden, ND June 25-28, 2009.